#!/bin/bash . mailcow.conf NAME="postfix-mailcow" PDNS_IP=$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' pdns-mailcow 2> /dev/null) if [[ ! ${PDNS_IP} =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo "Cannot determine Powerdns Recursor ip address. Is the container running?" exit 1 fi build() { docker build --no-cache -t postfix data/Dockerfiles/postfix/. } if [[ ${1} == "--reconf" ]]; then reconf exit 0 fi echo "Stopping and removing containers with name tag ${NAME}..." if [[ ! -z $(docker ps -af "name=${NAME}" -q) ]]; then docker stop $(docker ps -af "name=${NAME}" -q) docker rm $(docker ps -af "name=${NAME}" -q) fi if [[ ! -z "$(docker images -q postfix)" ]]; then read -r -p "Found image locally. Delete local and rebuild without cache anyway? [y/N] " response response=${response,,} if [[ $response =~ ^(yes|y)$ ]]; then docker rmi postfix build fi else build fi sed -i "/^user/c\user = ${DBUSER}" data/conf/postfix/sql/* sed -i "/^password/c\password = ${DBPASS}" data/conf/postfix/sql/* sed -i "/^dbname/c\dbname = ${DBNAME}" data/conf/postfix/sql/* docker run \ -p ${SMTP_PORT}:25 \ -p ${SMTPS_PORT}:465 \ -p ${SUBMISSION_PORT}:587 \ -v ${PWD}/data/conf/postfix:/opt/postfix/conf:ro \ -v ${PWD}/data/assets/ssl:/etc/ssl/mail/:ro \ --dns=${PDNS_IP} \ --dns-search=${DOCKER_NETWORK} \ --name ${NAME} \ --network=${DOCKER_NETWORK} \ --network-alias postfix \ -h ${MAILCOW_HOSTNAME} \ -d postfix