php-u2flib-server ----------------- image:["Build Status", link=""] image:["Coverage", link=""] image:["Scrutinizer Code Quality", link=""] === Introduction === Serverside U2F library for PHP. Provides functionality for registering tokens and authentication with said tokens. To read more about U2F and how to use a U2F library, visit link:[]. === License === The project is licensed under a BSD license. See the file COPYING for exact wording. For any copyright year range specified as YYYY-ZZZZ in this package note that the range specifies every single year in that closed interval. === Dependencies === The only dependency is the openssl extension to PHP that has to be enabled. A composer.json is included in the distribution to make things simpler for other project using composer. === Tests === To run the test suite link:[PHPUnit] is required. To run it, type: $ phpunit