#!/usr/bin/env python2 import re import os import time import atexit import signal import ipaddress import subprocess from threading import Thread import redis import time import json yes_regex = re.compile(r'([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])+$') if re.search(yes_regex, os.getenv('SKIP_FAIL2BAN', 0)): print 'SKIP_FAIL2BAN=y, Skipping Fail2ban container...' time.sleep(31536000) raise SystemExit r = redis.StrictRedis(host=os.getenv('IPV4_NETWORK', '172.22.1') + '.249', decode_responses=True, port=6379, db=0) pubsub = r.pubsub() RULES = {} RULES[1] = 'warning: .*\[([0-9a-f\.:]+)\]: SASL .+ authentication failed' RULES[2] = '-login: Disconnected \(auth failed, .+\): user=.*, method=.+, rip=([0-9a-f\.:]+),' RULES[3] = '-login: Aborted login \(no auth .+\): user=.+, rip=([0-9a-f\.:]+), lip.+' RULES[4] = '-login: Aborted login \(tried to use disallowed .+\): user=.+, rip=([0-9a-f\.:]+), lip.+' RULES[5] = 'SOGo.+ Login from \'([0-9a-f\.:]+)\' for user .+ might not have worked' RULES[6] = 'mailcow UI: Invalid password for .+ by ([0-9a-f\.:]+)' r.setnx('F2B_BAN_TIME', '1800') r.setnx('F2B_MAX_ATTEMPTS', '10') r.setnx('F2B_RETRY_WINDOW', '600') r.setnx('F2B_NETBAN_IPV6', '64') r.setnx('F2B_NETBAN_IPV4', '24') bans = {} log = {} quit_now = False def ban(address): BAN_TIME = int(r.get('F2B_BAN_TIME')) MAX_ATTEMPTS = int(r.get('F2B_MAX_ATTEMPTS')) RETRY_WINDOW = int(r.get('F2B_RETRY_WINDOW')) WHITELIST = r.hgetall('F2B_WHITELIST') NETBAN_IPV6 = '/' + str(r.get('F2B_NETBAN_IPV6')) NETBAN_IPV4 = '/' + str(r.get('F2B_NETBAN_IPV4')) ip = ipaddress.ip_address(address.decode('ascii')) if type(ip) is ipaddress.IPv6Address and ip.ipv4_mapped: ip = ip.ipv4_mapped address = str(ip) if ip.is_private or ip.is_loopback: return self_network = ipaddress.ip_network(address.decode('ascii')) if WHITELIST: for wl_key in WHITELIST: wl_net = ipaddress.ip_network(wl_key.decode('ascii'), False) if wl_net.overlaps(self_network): log['time'] = int(round(time.time())) log['priority'] = 'info' log['message'] = 'Address %s is whitelisted by rule %s' % (self_network, wl_net) r.lpush('F2B_LOG', json.dumps(log, ensure_ascii=False)) print 'Address %s is whitelisted by rule %s' % (self_network, wl_net) return net = ipaddress.ip_network((address + (NETBAN_IPV4 if type(ip) is ipaddress.IPv4Address else NETBAN_IPV6)).decode('ascii'), strict=False) net = str(net) if not net in bans or time.time() - bans[net]['last_attempt'] > RETRY_WINDOW: bans[net] = { 'attempts': 0 } active_window = RETRY_WINDOW else: active_window = time.time() - bans[net]['last_attempt'] bans[net]['attempts'] += 1 bans[net]['last_attempt'] = time.time() active_window = time.time() - bans[net]['last_attempt'] if bans[net]['attempts'] >= MAX_ATTEMPTS: log['time'] = int(round(time.time())) log['priority'] = 'crit' log['message'] = 'Banning %s' % net r.lpush('F2B_LOG', json.dumps(log, ensure_ascii=False)) print 'Banning %s for %d minutes' % (net, BAN_TIME / 60) if type(ip) is ipaddress.IPv4Address: subprocess.call(['iptables', '-I', 'INPUT', '-s', net, '-j', 'REJECT']) subprocess.call(['iptables', '-I', 'FORWARD', '-s', net, '-j', 'REJECT']) else: subprocess.call(['ip6tables', '-I', 'INPUT', '-s', net, '-j', 'REJECT']) subprocess.call(['ip6tables', '-I', 'FORWARD', '-s', net, '-j', 'REJECT']) r.hset('F2B_ACTIVE_BANS', '%s' % net, log['time'] + BAN_TIME) else: log['time'] = int(round(time.time())) log['priority'] = 'warn' log['message'] = '%d more attempts in the next %d seconds until %s is banned' % (MAX_ATTEMPTS - bans[net]['attempts'], RETRY_WINDOW, net) r.lpush('F2B_LOG', json.dumps(log, ensure_ascii=False)) print '%d more attempts in the next %d seconds until %s is banned' % (MAX_ATTEMPTS - bans[net]['attempts'], RETRY_WINDOW, net) def unban(net): log['time'] = int(round(time.time())) log['priority'] = 'info' r.lpush('F2B_LOG', json.dumps(log, ensure_ascii=False)) if not net in bans: log['message'] = '%s is not banned, skipping unban and deleting from queue (if any)' % net r.lpush('F2B_LOG', json.dumps(log, ensure_ascii=False)) print '%s is not banned, skipping unban and deleting from queue (if any)' % net r.hdel('F2B_QUEUE_UNBAN', '%s' % net) return log['message'] = 'Unbanning %s' % net r.lpush('F2B_LOG', json.dumps(log, ensure_ascii=False)) print 'Unbanning %s' % net if type(ipaddress.ip_network(net.decode('ascii'))) is ipaddress.IPv4Network: subprocess.call(['iptables', '-D', 'INPUT', '-s', net, '-j', 'REJECT']) subprocess.call(['iptables', '-D', 'FORWARD', '-s', net, '-j', 'REJECT']) else: subprocess.call(['ip6tables', '-D', 'INPUT', '-s', net, '-j', 'REJECT']) subprocess.call(['ip6tables', '-D', 'FORWARD', '-s', net, '-j', 'REJECT']) r.hdel('F2B_ACTIVE_BANS', '%s' % net) r.hdel('F2B_QUEUE_UNBAN', '%s' % net) del bans[net] def quit(signum, frame): global quit_now quit_now = True def clear(): log['time'] = int(round(time.time())) log['priority'] = 'info' log['message'] = 'Clearing all bans' r.lpush('F2B_LOG', json.dumps(log, ensure_ascii=False)) print 'Clearing all bans' for net in bans.copy(): unban(net) pubsub.unsubscribe() def watch(): log['time'] = int(round(time.time())) log['priority'] = 'info' log['message'] = 'Watching Redis channel F2B_CHANNEL' r.lpush('F2B_LOG', json.dumps(log, ensure_ascii=False)) pubsub.subscribe('F2B_CHANNEL') print 'Subscribing to Redis channel F2B_CHANNEL' while True: for item in pubsub.listen(): for rule_id, rule_regex in RULES.iteritems(): if item['data'] and item['type'] == 'message': result = re.search(rule_regex, item['data']) if result: addr = result.group(1) ip = ipaddress.ip_address(addr.decode('ascii')) if ip.is_private or ip.is_loopback: continue print '%s matched rule id %d' % (addr, rule_id) log['time'] = int(round(time.time())) log['priority'] = 'warn' log['message'] = '%s matched rule id %d' % (addr, rule_id) r.lpush('F2B_LOG', json.dumps(log, ensure_ascii=False)) ban(addr) def autopurge(): while not quit_now: BAN_TIME = int(r.get('F2B_BAN_TIME')) MAX_ATTEMPTS = int(r.get('F2B_MAX_ATTEMPTS')) QUEUE_UNBAN = r.hgetall('F2B_QUEUE_UNBAN') if QUEUE_UNBAN: for net in QUEUE_UNBAN: unban(str(net)) for net in bans.copy(): if bans[net]['attempts'] >= MAX_ATTEMPTS: if time.time() - bans[net]['last_attempt'] > BAN_TIME: unban(net) time.sleep(10) if __name__ == '__main__': watch_thread = Thread(target=watch) watch_thread.daemon = True watch_thread.start() autopurge_thread = Thread(target=autopurge) autopurge_thread.daemon = True autopurge_thread.start() signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, quit) atexit.register(clear) while not quit_now: time.sleep(0.5)