#!/bin/bash trap "exit" INT TERM trap "kill 0" EXIT # Prepare BACKGROUND_TASKS=() if [[ "${USE_WATCHDOG}" =~ ^([nN][oO]|[nN])+$ ]]; then echo -e "$(date) - USE_WATCHDOG=n, skipping watchdog..." sleep 365d exec $(readlink -f "$0") fi # Checks pipe their corresponding container name in this pipe if [[ ! -p /tmp/com_pipe ]]; then mkfifo /tmp/com_pipe fi # Common functions progress() { SERVICE=${1} TOTAL=${2} CURRENT=${3} DIFF=${4} [[ -z ${DIFF} ]] && DIFF=0 [[ -z ${TOTAL} || -z ${CURRENT} ]] && return [[ ${CURRENT} -gt ${TOTAL} ]] && return [[ ${CURRENT} -lt 0 ]] && CURRENT=0 PERCENT=$(( 200 * ${CURRENT} / ${TOTAL} % 2 + 100 * ${CURRENT} / ${TOTAL} )) redis-cli -h redis LPUSH WATCHDOG_LOG "{\"time\":\"$(date +%s)\",\"service\":\"${SERVICE}\",\"lvl\":\"${PERCENT}\",\"hpnow\":\"${CURRENT}\",\"hptotal\":\"${TOTAL}\",\"hpdiff\":\"${DIFF}\"}" > /dev/null log_msg "${SERVICE} health level: ${PERCENT}% (${CURRENT}/${TOTAL}), health trend: ${DIFF}" no_redis } log_msg() { if [[ ${2} != "no_redis" ]]; then redis-cli -h redis LPUSH WATCHDOG_LOG "{\"time\":\"$(date +%s)\",\"message\":\"$(printf '%s' "${1}" | \ tr '%&;$"_[]{}-\r\n' ' ')\"}" > /dev/null fi echo $(date) $(printf '%s\n' "${1}") } function mail_error() { [[ -z ${1} ]] && return 1 [[ -z ${2} ]] && return 2 [[ -z ${3} ]] && BODY="Service was restarted, please check your mailcow installation." || BODY="${3}" RCPT_DOMAIN=$(echo ${1} | awk -F @ {'print $NF'}) RCPT_MX=$(dig +short ${RCPT_DOMAIN} mx | sort -n | awk '{print $2; exit}') if [[ -z ${RCPT_MX} ]]; then log_msg "Cannot determine MX for ${1}, skipping email notification..." return 1 fi ./smtp-cli --missing-modules-ok \ --subject="Watchdog: ${2} hit the error rate limit" \ --body-plain="${BODY}" \ --to=${1} \ --from="watchdog@${MAILCOW_HOSTNAME}" \ --server="${RCPT_MX}" \ --hello-host=${MAILCOW_HOSTNAME} log_msg "Sent notification email to ${1}" } get_container_ip() { # ${1} is container CONTAINER_ID=() CONTAINER_IPS=() CONTAINER_IP= LOOP_C=1 until [[ ${CONTAINER_IP} =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]] || [[ ${LOOP_C} -gt 5 ]]; do if [ ${IP_BY_DOCKER_API} -eq 0 ]; then CONTAINER_IP=$(dig a "${1}" +short) else sleep 0.5 # get long container id for exact match CONTAINER_ID=($(curl --silent --insecure https://dockerapi/containers/json | jq -r ".[] | {name: .Config.Labels[\"com.docker.compose.service\"], id: .Id}" | jq -rc "select( .name | tostring == \"${1}\") | .id")) # returned id can have multiple elements (if scaled), shuffle for random test CONTAINER_ID=($(printf "%s\n" "${CONTAINER_ID[@]}" | shuf)) if [[ ! -z ${CONTAINER_ID} ]]; then for matched_container in "${CONTAINER_ID[@]}"; do CONTAINER_IPS=($(curl --silent --insecure https://dockerapi/containers/${matched_container}/json | jq -r '.NetworkSettings.Networks[].IPAddress')) for ip_match in "${CONTAINER_IPS[@]}"; do # grep will do nothing if one of these vars is empty [[ -z ${ip_match} ]] && continue [[ -z ${IPV4_NETWORK} ]] && continue # only return ips that are part of our network if ! grep -q ${IPV4_NETWORK} <(echo ${ip_match}); then continue else CONTAINER_IP=${ip_match} break fi done [[ ! -z ${CONTAINER_IP} ]] && break done fi fi LOOP_C=$((LOOP_C + 1)) done [[ ${LOOP_C} -gt 5 ]] && echo || echo ${CONTAINER_IP} } nginx_checks() { err_count=0 diff_c=0 THRESHOLD=16 # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1 while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do host_ip=$(get_container_ip nginx-mailcow) err_c_cur=${err_count} /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http -4 -H ${host_ip} -u / -p 8081 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? )) [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1 [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} )) progress "Nginx" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c} diff_c=0 sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 30 ) + 10 )) done return 1 } unbound_checks() { err_count=0 diff_c=0 THRESHOLD=8 # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1 while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do host_ip=$(get_container_ip unbound-mailcow) err_c_cur=${err_count} /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_dns -s ${host_ip} -H google.com 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? )) DNSSEC=$(dig com +dnssec | egrep 'flags:.+ad') if [[ -z ${DNSSEC} ]]; then echo "DNSSEC failure" 1>&2 err_count=$(( ${err_count} + 1)) else echo "DNSSEC check succeeded" 1>&2 fi [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1 [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} )) progress "Unbound" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c} diff_c=0 sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 30 ) + 10 )) done return 1 } mysql_checks() { err_count=0 diff_c=0 THRESHOLD=12 # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1 while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do host_ip=$(get_container_ip mysql-mailcow) err_c_cur=${err_count} /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_mysql -s /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock -u ${DBUSER} -p ${DBPASS} -d ${DBNAME} 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? )) /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_mysql_query -s /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock -u ${DBUSER} -p ${DBPASS} -d ${DBNAME} -q "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.tables" 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? )) [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1 [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} )) progress "MySQL/MariaDB" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c} diff_c=0 sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 30 ) + 10 )) done return 1 } sogo_checks() { err_count=0 diff_c=0 THRESHOLD=10 # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1 while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do host_ip=$(get_container_ip sogo-mailcow) err_c_cur=${err_count} /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http -4 -H ${host_ip} -u /SOGo.index/ -p 20000 -R "SOGo\.MainUI" 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? )) [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1 [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} )) progress "SOGo" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c} diff_c=0 sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 30 ) + 10 )) done return 1 } postfix_checks() { err_count=0 diff_c=0 THRESHOLD=8 # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1 while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do host_ip=$(get_container_ip postfix-mailcow) err_c_cur=${err_count} /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_smtp -4 -H ${host_ip} -p 589 -f "watchdog@invalid" -C "RCPT TO:null@localhost" -C DATA -C . -R 250 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? )) /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_smtp -4 -H ${host_ip} -p 589 -S 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? )) [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1 [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} )) progress "Postfix" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c} diff_c=0 sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 30 ) + 10 )) done return 1 } clamd_checks() { err_count=0 diff_c=0 THRESHOLD=5 # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1 while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do host_ip=$(get_container_ip clamd-mailcow) err_c_cur=${err_count} /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_clamd -4 -H ${host_ip} 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? )) [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1 [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} )) progress "Clamd" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c} diff_c=0 # Don't check Clamd too often sleep 1800 done return 1 } dovecot_checks() { err_count=0 diff_c=0 THRESHOLD=20 # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1 while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do host_ip=$(get_container_ip dovecot-mailcow) err_c_cur=${err_count} /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_smtp -4 -H ${host_ip} -p 24 -f "watchdog@invalid" -C "RCPT TO:" -L -R "User doesn't exist" 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? )) /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_imap -4 -H ${host_ip} -p 993 -S -e "OK " 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? )) /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_imap -4 -H ${host_ip} -p 143 -e "OK " 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? )) /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_tcp -4 -H ${host_ip} -p 10001 -e "VERSION" 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? )) /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_tcp -4 -H ${host_ip} -p 4190 -e "Dovecot ready" 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? )) [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1 [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} )) progress "Dovecot" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c} diff_c=0 sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 30 ) + 10 )) done return 1 } phpfpm_checks() { err_count=0 diff_c=0 THRESHOLD=5 # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1 while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do host_ip=$(get_container_ip php-fpm-mailcow) err_c_cur=${err_count} nc -z ${host_ip} 9001 ; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + ($? * 2))) nc -z ${host_ip} 9002 ; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + ($? * 2))) [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1 [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} )) progress "PHP-FPM" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c} diff_c=0 sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 30 ) + 10 )) done return 1 } cert_checks() { err_count=0 diff_c=0 THRESHOLD=1 # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1 while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do host_ip=$(get_container_ip nginx-mailcow) err_c_cur=${err_count} /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http -H ${host_ip} -p ${HTTPS_PORT} -C 15 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? )) [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1 [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} )) progress "TLS certificate" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c} diff_c=0 # Sleep 1 day, fixme: 1 day lag sleep 86400 done return 1 } rspamd_checks() { err_count=0 diff_c=0 THRESHOLD=5 # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1 while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do host_ip=$(get_container_ip rspamd-mailcow) err_c_cur=${err_count} SCORE=$(/usr/bin/curl -s --data-binary @- --unix-socket /var/lib/rspamd/rspamd.sock http://rspamd/scan -d ' To: null@localhost From: watchdog@localhost Empty ' | jq -rc .required_score) if [[ ${SCORE} != "9999" ]]; then echo "Rspamd settings check failed" 1>&2 err_count=$(( ${err_count} + 1)) else echo "Rspamd settings check succeeded" 1>&2 fi [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1 [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} )) progress "Rspamd" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c} diff_c=0 sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 30 ) + 10 )) done return 1 } # Create watchdog agents ( while true; do if ! nginx_checks; then log_msg "Nginx hit error limit" [[ ! -z ${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL} ]] && mail_error "${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL}" "nginx-mailcow" echo nginx-mailcow > /tmp/com_pipe fi done ) & BACKGROUND_TASKS+=($!) ( while true; do if ! mysql_checks; then log_msg "MySQL hit error limit" [[ ! -z ${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL} ]] && mail_error "${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL}" "mysql-mailcow" echo mysql-mailcow > /tmp/com_pipe fi done ) & BACKGROUND_TASKS+=($!) ( while true; do if ! phpfpm_checks; then log_msg "PHP-FPM hit error limit" [[ ! -z ${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL} ]] && mail_error "${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL}" "php-fpm-mailcow" echo php-fpm-mailcow > /tmp/com_pipe fi done ) & BACKGROUND_TASKS+=($!) ( while true; do if ! sogo_checks; then log_msg "SOGo hit error limit" [[ ! -z ${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL} ]] && mail_error "${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL}" "sogo-mailcow" echo sogo-mailcow > /tmp/com_pipe fi done ) & BACKGROUND_TASKS+=($!) if [ ${CHECK_UNBOUND} -eq 1 ]; then ( while true; do if ! unbound_checks; then log_msg "Unbound hit error limit" [[ ! -z ${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL} ]] && mail_error "${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL}" "unbound-mailcow" echo unbound-mailcow > /tmp/com_pipe fi done ) & BACKGROUND_TASKS+=($!) fi if [[ "${SKIP_CLAMD}" =~ ^([nN][oO]|[nN])+$ ]]; then ( while true; do if ! clamd_checks; then log_msg "Clamd hit error limit" [[ ! -z ${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL} ]] && mail_error "${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL}" "clamd-mailcow" echo clamd-mailcow > /tmp/com_pipe fi done ) & BACKGROUND_TASKS+=($!) fi ( while true; do if ! cert_checks; then log_msg "TLS certificate hit error limit" [[ ! -z ${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL} ]] && mail_error "${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL}" "TLS check" "TLS certificate expires soon!" fi done ) & BACKGROUND_TASKS+=($!) ( while true; do if ! postfix_checks; then log_msg "Postfix hit error limit" [[ ! -z ${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL} ]] && mail_error "${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL}" "postfix-mailcow" echo postfix-mailcow > /tmp/com_pipe fi done ) & BACKGROUND_TASKS+=($!) ( while true; do if ! dovecot_checks; then log_msg "Dovecot hit error limit" [[ ! -z ${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL} ]] && mail_error "${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL}" "dovecot-mailcow" echo dovecot-mailcow > /tmp/com_pipe fi done ) & BACKGROUND_TASKS+=($!) ( while true; do if ! rspamd_checks; then log_msg "Rspamd hit error limit" [[ ! -z ${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL} ]] && mail_error "${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL}" "rspamd-mailcow" echo rspamd-mailcow > /tmp/com_pipe fi done ) & BACKGROUND_TASKS+=($!) # Monitor watchdog agents, stop script when agents fails and wait for respawn by Docker (restart:always:n) ( while true; do for bg_task in ${BACKGROUND_TASKS[*]}; do if ! kill -0 ${bg_task} 1>&2; then log_msg "Worker ${bg_task} died, stopping watchdog and waiting for respawn..." kill -TERM 1 fi sleep 10 done done ) & # Monitor dockerapi ( while true; do while nc -z dockerapi 443; do sleep 3 done log_msg "Cannot find dockerapi-mailcow, waiting to recover..." kill -STOP ${BACKGROUND_TASKS[*]} until nc -z dockerapi 443; do sleep 3 done kill -CONT ${BACKGROUND_TASKS[*]} kill -USR1 ${BACKGROUND_TASKS[*]} done ) & # Restart container when threshold limit reached while true; do CONTAINER_ID= read com_pipe_answer