#!/bin/bash function array_by_comma { local IFS=","; echo "$*"; } # Wait for containers while ! mysqladmin status --socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock -u${DBUSER} -p${DBPASS} --silent; do echo "Waiting for SQL..." sleep 2 done until [[ $(redis-cli -h redis-mailcow PING) == "PONG" ]]; do echo "Waiting for Redis..." sleep 2 done # Set a default release format if [[ -z $(redis-cli --raw -h redis-mailcow GET Q_RELEASE_FORMAT) ]]; then redis-cli --raw -h redis-mailcow SET Q_RELEASE_FORMAT raw fi # Set max age of q items - if unset if [[ -z $(redis-cli --raw -h redis-mailcow GET Q_MAX_AGE) ]]; then redis-cli --raw -h redis-mailcow SET Q_MAX_AGE 365 fi # Check of mysql_upgrade CONTAINER_ID= until [[ ! -z "${CONTAINER_ID}" ]] && [[ "${CONTAINER_ID}" =~ ^[[:alnum:]]*$ ]]; do CONTAINER_ID=$(curl --silent --insecure https://dockerapi/containers/json | jq -r ".[] | {name: .Config.Labels[\"com.docker.compose.service\"], id: .Id}" 2> /dev/null | jq -rc "select( .name | tostring | contains(\"mysql-mailcow\")) | .id" 2> /dev/null) done echo "MySQL @ ${CONTAINER_ID}" SQL_LOOP_C=0 SQL_CHANGED=0 until [[ ${SQL_UPGRADE_STATUS} == 'success' ]]; do if [ ${SQL_LOOP_C} -gt 4 ]; then echo "Tried to upgrade MySQL and failed, giving up after ${SQL_LOOP_C} retries and starting container (oops, not good)" break fi SQL_FULL_UPGRADE_RETURN=$(curl --silent --insecure -XPOST https://dockerapi/containers/${CONTAINER_ID}/exec -d '{"cmd":"system", "task":"mysql_upgrade"}' --silent -H 'Content-type: application/json') SQL_UPGRADE_STATUS=$(echo ${SQL_FULL_UPGRADE_RETURN} | jq -r .type) SQL_LOOP_C=$((SQL_LOOP_C+1)) echo "SQL upgrade iteration #${SQL_LOOP_C}" if [[ ${SQL_UPGRADE_STATUS} == 'warning' ]]; then SQL_CHANGED=1 echo "MySQL applied an upgrade, debug output:" echo ${SQL_FULL_UPGRADE_RETURN} sleep 3 while ! mysqladmin status --socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock -u${DBUSER} -p${DBPASS} --silent; do echo "Waiting for SQL to return, please wait" sleep 2 done continue elif [[ ${SQL_UPGRADE_STATUS} == 'success' ]]; then echo "MySQL is up-to-date - debug output:" echo ${SQL_FULL_UPGRADE_RETURN} else echo "No valid reponse for mysql_upgrade was received, debug output:" echo ${SQL_FULL_UPGRADE_RETURN} fi done # doing post-installation stuff, if SQL was upgraded if [ ${SQL_CHANGED} -eq 1 ]; then POSTFIX=($(curl --silent --insecure https://dockerapi/containers/json | jq -r '.[] | {name: .Config.Labels["com.docker.compose.service"], id: .Id}' | jq -rc 'select( .name | tostring | contains("postfix-mailcow")) | .id' | tr "\n" " ")) if [[ -z ${POSTFIX} ]]; then echo "Could not determine Postfix container ID, skipping Postfix restart." else echo "Restarting Postfix" curl -X POST --silent --insecure https://dockerapi/containers/${POSTFIX}/restart | jq -r '.msg' echo "Sleeping 5 seconds..." sleep 5 fi fi # Trigger db init echo "Running DB init..." php -c /usr/local/etc/php -f /web/inc/init_db.inc.php # Recreating domain map echo "Rebuilding domain map in Redis..." declare -a DOMAIN_ARR redis-cli -h redis-mailcow DEL DOMAIN_MAP > /dev/null while read line do DOMAIN_ARR+=("$line") done < <(mysql --socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock -u ${DBUSER} -p${DBPASS} ${DBNAME} -e "SELECT domain FROM domain" -Bs) while read line do DOMAIN_ARR+=("$line") done < <(mysql --socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock -u ${DBUSER} -p${DBPASS} ${DBNAME} -e "SELECT alias_domain FROM alias_domain" -Bs) if [[ ! -z ${DOMAIN_ARR} ]]; then for domain in "${DOMAIN_ARR[@]}"; do redis-cli -h redis-mailcow HSET DOMAIN_MAP ${domain} 1 > /dev/null done fi # Set API options if env vars are not empty if [[ ${API_ALLOW_FROM} != "invalid" ]] && \ [[ ${API_KEY} != "invalid" ]] && \ [[ ! -z ${API_KEY} ]] && \ [[ ! -z ${API_ALLOW_FROM} ]]; then IFS=',' read -r -a API_ALLOW_FROM_ARR <<< "${API_ALLOW_FROM}" declare -a VALIDATED_API_ALLOW_FROM_ARR REGEX_IP6='^([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}:){1,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}$' REGEX_IP4='^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$' for IP in "${API_ALLOW_FROM_ARR[@]}"; do if [[ ${IP} =~ ${REGEX_IP6} ]] || [[ ${IP} =~ ${REGEX_IP4} ]]; then VALIDATED_API_ALLOW_FROM_ARR+=("${IP}") fi done VALIDATED_IPS=$(array_by_comma ${VALIDATED_API_ALLOW_FROM_ARR[*]}) if [[ ! -z ${VALIDATED_IPS} ]]; then mysql --socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock -u ${DBUSER} -p${DBPASS} ${DBNAME} << EOF DELETE FROM api; INSERT INTO api (api_key, active, allow_from) VALUES ("${API_KEY}", "1", "${VALIDATED_IPS}"); EOF fi fi exec "$@"