FROM alpine:3.6 LABEL maintainer "Andre Peters " # Add script COPY / # Add group + user - 82 is the standard uid/gid for "www-data" in Alpine RUN set -x \ && addgroup -g 82 -S www-data \ && adduser -u 82 -D -S -G www-data www-data \ \ # Install Dependencies && apk add --update \ && apk add --no-cache bash php7-fpm php7-intl php7-pdo php7-pdo_mysql php7-xmlrpc php7-redis php7-pear \ php7-pear-auth_sasl php7-pear-net_smtp php7-pear-net_idna2 php7-pear-mail_mime \ && pear install Net_IMAP \ # MISSING apk for php7-pear-net_imap - can be installed once is merged. \ # Configuring php-fpm && set -ex \ && cd /etc/php7/ \ # Change the setting so the daemon runs in the foreground and as www-data:www-data #&& sed -i 's/^;daemonize .*$/daemonize = no/g' /etc/php7/php-fpm.conf \ && sed -i 's/^user = .*/user = www-data/' /etc/php7/php-fpm.d/www.conf \ && sed -i 's/^group = .*/group = www-data/' /etc/php7/php-fpm.d/www.conf \ && { \ echo '[global]'; \ echo 'error_log = /proc/self/fd/2'; \ echo; \ echo '[www]'; \ echo '; if we send this to /proc/self/fd/1, it never appears'; \ echo 'access.log = /proc/self/fd/2'; \ echo; \ echo 'clear_env = no'; \ echo; \ echo '; Ensure worker stdout and stderr are sent to the main error log.'; \ echo 'catch_workers_output = yes'; \ } | tee php-fpm.d/docker.conf \ && { \ echo '[global]'; \ echo 'daemonize = no'; \ echo; \ echo '[www]'; \ echo 'listen = [::]:9000'; \ } | tee php-fpm.d/zz-docker.conf EXPOSE 9000 # Time to milk the cows ;) ENTRYPOINT ["/"] CMD ["php-fpm7"]