@ -1105,7 +1105,6 @@ function init_db_schema() {
elseif (strtolower($key_type) == 'fkey') {
foreach ($key_content as $key_name => $key_values) {
@list($table_ref, $field_ref) = explode('.', $key_values['ref']);
$fields = "`" . implode("`, `", $key_values) . "`";
$sql .= "FOREIGN KEY `" . $key_name . "` (" . $key_values['col'] . ") REFERENCES `" . $table_ref . "` (`" . $field_ref . "`)
ON DELETE " . $key_values['delete'] . " ON UPDATE " . $key_values['update'] . ",";
@ -1130,31 +1129,31 @@ function init_db_schema() {
$stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT NULL FROM `admin`");
$num_results = count($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC));
if ($num_results == 0) {
$stmt = $pdo->query("INSERT INTO `admin` (`username`, `password`, `superadmin`, `created`, `modified`, `active`)
$pdo->query("INSERT INTO `admin` (`username`, `password`, `superadmin`, `created`, `modified`, `active`)
VALUES ('admin', '{SSHA256}K8eVJ6YsZbQCfuJvSUbaQRLr0HPLz5rC9IAp0PAFl0tmNDBkMDc0NDAyOTAxN2Rk', 1, NOW(), NOW(), 1)");
$stmt = $pdo->query("INSERT INTO `domain_admins` (`username`, `domain`, `created`, `active`)
$pdo->query("INSERT INTO `domain_admins` (`username`, `domain`, `created`, `active`)
SELECT `username`, 'ALL', NOW(), 1 FROM `admin`
WHERE superadmin='1' AND `username` NOT IN (SELECT `username` FROM `domain_admins`);");
$stmt = $pdo->query("DELETE FROM `admin` WHERE `username` NOT IN (SELECT `username` FROM `domain_admins`);");
$pdo->query("DELETE FROM `admin` WHERE `username` NOT IN (SELECT `username` FROM `domain_admins`);");
// Insert new DB schema version
$stmt = $pdo->query("REPLACE INTO `versions` (`application`, `version`) VALUES ('db_schema', '" . $db_version . "');");
$pdo->query("REPLACE INTO `versions` (`application`, `version`) VALUES ('db_schema', '" . $db_version . "');");
// Fix dangling domain admins
$stmt = $pdo->query("DELETE FROM `admin` WHERE `superadmin` = 0 AND `username` NOT IN (SELECT `username`FROM `domain_admins`);");
$stmt = $pdo->query("DELETE FROM `da_acl` WHERE `username` NOT IN (SELECT `username`FROM `domain_admins`);");
$pdo->query("DELETE FROM `admin` WHERE `superadmin` = 0 AND `username` NOT IN (SELECT `username`FROM `domain_admins`);");
$pdo->query("DELETE FROM `da_acl` WHERE `username` NOT IN (SELECT `username`FROM `domain_admins`);");
// Migrate attributes
// pushover
$stmt = $pdo->query("UPDATE `pushover` SET `attributes` = '{}' WHERE `attributes` = '' OR `attributes` IS NULL;");
$stmt = $pdo->query("UPDATE `pushover` SET `attributes` = JSON_SET(`attributes`, '$.evaluate_x_prio', \"0\") WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(`attributes`, '$.evaluate_x_prio') IS NULL;");
$stmt = $pdo->query("UPDATE `pushover` SET `attributes` = JSON_SET(`attributes`, '$.only_x_prio', \"0\") WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(`attributes`, '$.only_x_prio') IS NULL;");
$pdo->query("UPDATE `pushover` SET `attributes` = '{}' WHERE `attributes` = '' OR `attributes` IS NULL;");
$pdo->query("UPDATE `pushover` SET `attributes` = JSON_SET(`attributes`, '$.evaluate_x_prio', \"0\") WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(`attributes`, '$.evaluate_x_prio') IS NULL;");
$pdo->query("UPDATE `pushover` SET `attributes` = JSON_SET(`attributes`, '$.only_x_prio', \"0\") WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(`attributes`, '$.only_x_prio') IS NULL;");
// mailbox
$stmt = $pdo->query("UPDATE `mailbox` SET `attributes` = '{}' WHERE `attributes` = '' OR `attributes` IS NULL;");
$stmt = $pdo->query("UPDATE `mailbox` SET `attributes` = JSON_SET(`attributes`, '$.force_pw_update', \"0\") WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(`attributes`, '$.force_pw_update') IS NULL;");
$stmt = $pdo->query("UPDATE `mailbox` SET `attributes` = JSON_SET(`attributes`, '$.sogo_access', \"1\") WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(`attributes`, '$.sogo_access') IS NULL;");
$stmt = $pdo->query("UPDATE `mailbox` SET `attributes` = JSON_SET(`attributes`, '$.mailbox_format', \"maildir:\") WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(`attributes`, '$.mailbox_format') IS NULL;");
$stmt = $pdo->query("UPDATE `mailbox` SET `attributes` = JSON_SET(`attributes`, '$.quarantine_notification', \"never\") WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(`attributes`, '$.quarantine_notification') IS NULL;");
$pdo->query("UPDATE `mailbox` SET `attributes` = '{}' WHERE `attributes` = '' OR `attributes` IS NULL;");
$pdo->query("UPDATE `mailbox` SET `attributes` = JSON_SET(`attributes`, '$.force_pw_update', \"0\") WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(`attributes`, '$.force_pw_update') IS NULL;");
$pdo->query("UPDATE `mailbox` SET `attributes` = JSON_SET(`attributes`, '$.sogo_access', \"1\") WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(`attributes`, '$.sogo_access') IS NULL;");
$pdo->query("UPDATE `mailbox` SET `attributes` = JSON_SET(`attributes`, '$.mailbox_format', \"maildir:\") WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(`attributes`, '$.mailbox_format') IS NULL;");
$pdo->query("UPDATE `mailbox` SET `attributes` = JSON_SET(`attributes`, '$.quarantine_notification', \"never\") WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(`attributes`, '$.quarantine_notification') IS NULL;");
foreach($tls_options as $tls_user => $tls_options) {
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE `mailbox` SET `attributes` = JSON_SET(`attributes`, '$.tls_enforce_in', :tls_enforce_in),
`attributes` = JSON_SET(`attributes`, '$.tls_enforce_out', :tls_enforce_out)
@ -1162,13 +1161,13 @@ function init_db_schema() {
$stmt->execute(array(':tls_enforce_in' => $tls_options['tls_enforce_in'], ':tls_enforce_out' => $tls_options['tls_enforce_out'], ':username' => $tls_user));
// Set tls_enforce_* if still missing (due to deleted attrs for example)
$stmt = $pdo->query("UPDATE `mailbox` SET `attributes` = JSON_SET(`attributes`, '$.tls_enforce_out', \"1\") WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(`attributes`, '$.tls_enforce_out') IS NULL;");
$stmt = $pdo->query("UPDATE `mailbox` SET `attributes` = JSON_SET(`attributes`, '$.tls_enforce_in', \"1\") WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(`attributes`, '$.tls_enforce_in') IS NULL;");
$pdo->query("UPDATE `mailbox` SET `attributes` = JSON_SET(`attributes`, '$.tls_enforce_out', \"1\") WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(`attributes`, '$.tls_enforce_out') IS NULL;");
$pdo->query("UPDATE `mailbox` SET `attributes` = JSON_SET(`attributes`, '$.tls_enforce_in', \"1\") WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(`attributes`, '$.tls_enforce_in') IS NULL;");
// Fix ACL
$stmt = $pdo->query("INSERT INTO `user_acl` (`username`) SELECT `username` FROM `mailbox` WHERE `kind` = '' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT `username` FROM `user_acl`);");
$stmt = $pdo->query("INSERT INTO `da_acl` (`username`) SELECT DISTINCT `username` FROM `domain_admins` WHERE `username` != 'admin' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT `username` FROM `da_acl`);");
$pdo->query("INSERT INTO `user_acl` (`username`) SELECT `username` FROM `mailbox` WHERE `kind` = '' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT `username` FROM `user_acl`);");
$pdo->query("INSERT INTO `da_acl` (`username`) SELECT DISTINCT `username` FROM `domain_admins` WHERE `username` != 'admin' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT `username` FROM `da_acl`);");
// Fix domain_admins
$stmt = $pdo->query("DELETE FROM `domain_admins` WHERE `domain` = 'ALL';");
$pdo->query("DELETE FROM `domain_admins` WHERE `domain` = 'ALL';");
if (php_sapi_name() == "cli") {
echo "DB initialization completed" . PHP_EOL;