
94 lines
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2017-06-20 05:31:43 +08:00
2017-06-21 04:17:41 +08:00
echo -en "Checking internet connection... "
timeout 1 bash -c "echo >/dev/tcp/"
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
echo -e "\e[31mfailed\e[0m"
exit 1
echo -e "\e[32mOK\e[0m"
2017-06-21 05:05:43 +08:00
if [[ -z $(which curl) ]]; then echo "Cannot find curl, exiting."; exit 1; fi
if [[ -z $(which docker-compose) ]]; then echo "Cannot find docker-compose, exiting."; exit 1; fi
if [[ -z $(which docker) ]]; then echo "Cannot find docker, exiting."; exit 1; fi
2017-06-21 05:05:43 +08:00
if [[ -z $(which git) ]]; then echo "Cannot find git, exiting."; exit 1; fi
2017-06-21 05:41:25 +08:00
if [[ -z $(which awk) ]]; then echo "Cannot find awk, exiting."; exit 1; fi
if [[ -z $(which sha1sum) ]]; then echo "Cannot find sha1sum, exiting."; exit 1; fi
2017-06-21 17:05:59 +08:00
[[ -z $(grep .gitignore) ]] && echo "" >> .gitignore
2017-06-20 05:31:43 +08:00
set -o pipefail
export LC_ALL=C
2017-06-20 06:02:03 +08:00
DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S)
2017-06-20 05:31:43 +08:00
BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
2017-06-21 05:41:25 +08:00
TMPFILE=$(mktemp "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/curldata.XXXXXX")
curl -#o ${TMPFILE}
if [[ $(sha1sum ${TMPFILE} | awk '{ print $1 }') != $(sha1sum ./ | awk '{ print $1 }') ]]; then
echo "Updating script, please run this script again, exiting."
2017-06-21 05:43:19 +08:00
chmod +x ${TMPFILE}
2017-06-21 05:41:25 +08:00
mv ${TMPFILE} ./
exit 0
2017-06-21 05:43:19 +08:00
rm -f mv ${TMPFILE}
2017-06-21 04:17:41 +08:00
2017-06-21 03:40:15 +08:00
if [[ -f mailcow.conf ]]; then
source mailcow.conf
echo -e "\e[31mNo mailcow.conf - is mailcow installed?\e[0m"
exit 1
2017-06-20 05:31:43 +08:00
2017-06-21 05:05:43 +08:00
read -r -p "Are you sure? [y/N] " response
if [[ ! "$response" =~ ^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])+$ ]]; then
echo "OK, exiting."
exit 0
echo -e "Stopping mailcow... "
2017-06-21 03:21:21 +08:00
# Stopping mailcow
docker-compose down
2017-06-20 05:31:43 +08:00
# Silently fixing remote url from andryyy to mailcow
git remote set-url origin
echo -e "\e[32mCommitting current status...\e[90m"
git add -u
git commit -am "Before update on ${DATE}" > /dev/null
echo -e "\e[32mFetching updated code from remote...\e[90m"
2017-06-21 02:42:11 +08:00
git fetch origin ${BRANCH}
2017-06-21 05:05:43 +08:00
echo -e "\e[32mMerging local with remote code (recursive, options: \"theirs\", \"patience\"...\e[90m"
2017-06-20 05:31:43 +08:00
git merge -Xtheirs -Xpatience -m "After update on ${DATE}"
2017-06-21 17:05:59 +08:00
if [[ $? == 128 ]]; then
echo -e "\e[31m\nOh no, what happened?\n=> You most likely added files to your local mailcow instance that were now added to the official mailcow repository. Please move them to another location before updating mailcow."
elif [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
2017-06-20 06:03:09 +08:00
echo -e "\e[31mRun into conflict, trying to fix...\e[90m"
git status --porcelain | grep -E "UD|DU" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs rm -v
git add -A
git commit -m "After update on ${DATE}" > /dev/null
git checkout .
echo -e "\e[32mRemoved and recreated files if necessary.\e[90m"
2017-06-20 05:31:43 +08:00
2017-06-21 03:21:21 +08:00
echo -e "\e[32mFetching new images, if any...\e[0m"
docker-compose pull
2017-06-20 06:02:03 +08:00
2017-06-21 03:21:21 +08:00
#echo -e "\e[32mHashes to revert to:\e[0m"
#git reflog --color=always | grep "Before update on "
2017-06-20 06:03:09 +08:00
# TODO: Menu, select hard reset, select reset to "before update" etc.
2017-06-20 05:31:43 +08:00
#git reset --hard origin/${BRANCH}
2017-06-21 03:40:15 +08:00
# Fix missing SSL, does not overwrite existing files
[[ ! -d data/assets/ssl ]] && mkdir -p data/assets/ssl
cp -n data/assets/ssl-example/*.pem data/assets/ssl/
2017-06-21 04:17:41 +08:00
2017-06-21 05:05:43 +08:00
curl -L$(curl -Ls$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) > $(which docker-compose)
chmod +x $(which docker-compose)
docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans
#echo -e "\e[32mCleaning up...\e[0m"
if docker images -f "dangling=true" | grep ago --quiet; then
docker rmi -f $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q)
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -qf dangling=true)